1125 N. Charles Street Plaza Completion Manual
3529,'( 6 6 ,16(7 6/((9( ,1 *5281' )25 &$1( %2/76 ),1$/ /2&$7,216 7%' %< $5&+,7(&7 , , , , , ,
3529,'( 6 6 ,16(7 6/((9( ,1 *5281' )25 &$1( %2/76 ),1$/ /2&$7,216 7%' %< $5&+,7(&7
Noted. Additional pricing and lead times to be determined.
Noted. Additional pricing and lead times to be determined.
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See comments on Det F; E1
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The spacing is currently at 3".
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,3( %2$5'6 72 +$9( 12 ),1,6+ &2$7 $33/,('
The spacing is currently at 3".
*$3 %(7:((1 *$7( 3267 %(1&+ 72 %( 6(( ':* $ 3
The spacing is currently at 3".
*$3 %(7:((1 *$7( 3267 %(1&+ 72 %( 6(( ':* $ 3
*$3 %(7:((1 *$7( 3267 3/$17(5 &85% 72 %( 6(( ':* $ 3
The spacing is currently at 3".
We will be tack welding a small washer to the bottom of the cane bolt, below the sleeve. This will not allow the cane bolt to be removed from the sleeve. The washer will be designed to fit inside of the cane bolt receiver into the paver.
+2: :,// &$1( %2/7 %( 5(7$,1(' 72 *$7( 72 35(9(17 5(029$/ :+(1 81/2&.('
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3529,'( 6 6 ,16(7 6/((9( ,1 *5281' )25 &$1( %2/76 6(( &200(176 ,1 ':* $ ( 6/(( )25 &$
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