Camp Oportunity Annual Report 2018

INTERIM ACTIVITIES In addition to a summer camp, we also gather campers, counselors and staff for a summer picnic, and celebrate every child’s birthday with a common cake and a personal gift-wrapped present. We also provide a winter activity. In March of 2018, we took the children and their counselors to Pottery Cove to paint ceramic pieces and then gathered for pizza at Peace A Pizza. Our activities enurture healthy relationships throughout the year. At this time Camp Opportunity is still staffed completely by volunteers. These activities are focused on affirming the worth, the capabilities of each camper and to provide opportunities for new experiences and joyful engagements. We have volunteers who provide transportation to and from the residential camp and to and from our interim activities. Our residential camp is presently located at the Hashawha Environmental Center near Westminster, MD.

HOME VISITATIONS To reinforce and sustain the emotional foundation established during camp, our program director attempts to visit each camper’s home to help their families identify and connect with services and organizations in the local community that are focused on the well-being and enrichment of children.


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