Camp Oportunity Annual Report 2018
In 2018, Camp Opportunity celebrated its 34th year of service to abused and neglected children living in Baltimore and Central Maryland — an accomplishment made more noteworthy by the fact that we are an organization run completely by volunteers. This was my 20th camp and 15th consecutive year as a board member. Every year and every one-on-one relationship we build brings the chance for a counselor to uplift a child and make a profound difference in their life. If we meet our goal of 64 campers in 2019 (our 35th year!), it will mark a huge achievement of filling every spot in our current campground to serve a deserving child. This year we celebrate the memory of Bill Pennington, our co-founder and recent Executive Director. He has left us with his dream and his trust to carry out the legacy of Camp Opportunity. The need in our community continues to be great and local agencies have asked that we serve more children. To grow beyond 64 children towards the goal of serving 100 then 1000 and beyond, we must take a big leap. We must identify, purchase, and develop a campground of our own. We cannot do this without generous friends. One such person, an anonymous donor, has granted us the gift of purchasing a campground on our behalf. To earn this gift, we must raise funds and build our operations team to develop, maintain, and make this a special facility serving the thousands of abused and neglected children in Maryland. I hope you will agree that now is the time to make this dream come true. Join me in giving the gift of camp to children in our community who need it most. Give amazing and unforgettable experiences to children whose prior experiences are filled with tragedy and trauma. Give them wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you!
DAN DUTROW Executive Director
Dan Dutrow, Executive Director
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