COVID-19 BFT Message
COVID-19: Keeping Customers Safe Here at Best Food Trucks we are taking the Coronavirus outbreak very seriously and are acting with an abundance of caution to protect customers and food truck employees. Our Food Truck Operators are following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance for handwashing with hot soapy water for at least 20 seconds, and requiring employees who show signs of illness stay home. Additionally, all food trucks using our platform are required to: Check all employees for fevers as they arrive for their shifts to ensure a healthy staff is preparing your food. Thoroughly wash hands, keeping arms clean, following cleaning procedures with >20 seconds rinsed under warm water. Encourage all customers to use Order Ahead to reduce lines, cash or credit card exchange and interaction with staff. Keep wiping down cooking and preparation surfaces twice as often as normal using a 10% bleach (or equivalent) solution to ensure sanitary conditions. Enhance already detailed cleaning procedures at the end of shift to ensure the truck is completely disinfected both inside and out before the next shift. Work with food suppliers that are proactively following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines and current best practices. We encourage you to use our Order Ahead Platform where available (go to to find your location) to limit the amount of time spent in line and reduce the exchanges of money and credit cards.
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