Employee Handbook 2024


PURPOSE This policy sets forth Merritt Properties, LLC’s (“Merritt”), prohibition against employee use, possession, distribution, sale and/or being under the influence of unlawful substances and alcohol, as well as the mandatory testing requirements for all applicants and employees. The purpose of this policy is to promote and establish a safe working environment for all of our employees and clients. All drug testing procedures will comply with applicable local laws for drug testing. POLICY I. Statement of Policy Merritt is committed to maintaining a workplace free from alcohol and drug abuse. For this reason, Merritt prohibits its employees from possessing, using, distributing, selling and/or working under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicant or illegal or prescription drug, other than one lawfully prescribed by a physician and taken in accordance with that prescription. All applicants for employment and all current employees are subject to mandatory drug testing as a condition of employment. II. “Substance Abuse” Defined For purposes of this policy, “Substance Abuse” shall include the use, possession, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, the consumption of alcohol, and the abuse of other legal substances while on Merritt premises or while conducting Merritt business. This specifically includes reporting for duty, or being present on Merritt or client premises outside of work hours, while under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances (e.g., cocaine, crack, narcotics, PCP, hallucinogens, or other controlled substances), or lawful drugs and/or medications taken without a valid prescription or not in accordance with the prescription for that drug or medication. Substance Abuse does not include the moderate consumption of alcohol at Company approved business or social functions, such as holiday parties and other social events, provided that such alcohol is consumed in a responsible manner. For purposes of this policy, whenever an applicant or employee tests “positive,” they will be considered as using, abusing, or ingesting the prescribed substances in violation of this policy. “Possession” shall include possession in lockers, clothing, other property or vehicles parked or located on Merritt premises or a client’s premises.


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