FL Industrial Customer Handbook

False alarms are a crime and as much of a nuisance to fire personnel as it may be to us, but you cannot wait to verify the threat of fire; by then, it may be too late. Do not risk your life for the sake of a few minutes, evacuate! Help prevent the nuisance of false alarms by understanding that false alarms could cost lives. Report any suspicions of false alarms and the possible culprit to the authorities. Physically Disabled Individuals To assist emergency personnel, please provide a list of anyone who is physically limited in the ability to evacuate the building in an emergency. Email this list to flcustomerservice @ merrittproperties.com. Means of Egress And Exits To ensure that employees can quickly and easily exit their suites, locks on all tenant doors must always be able to be opened from the inside of the

suite without the need of a key code or special knowledge to open. It is unlawful to obstruct means of egress and exits in any manner. Responsibility It is the responsibility of all tenants to exercise reasonable care and caution during a fire emergency. Each tenant shall help employees understand the evacuation procedures. Every tenant shall select one or two employees to “search” their area and ensure that all employees vacate their premises in an orderly manner. Then a follow-up search of each suite will be done to verify total evacuation, if possible. If you have information as to the source of a possible fire, inform the building personnel after you have evacuated safely.

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