Safety Manual
Scaffold Safety
Regulation OSHA 29 CFR 1910.28 OSHA 29 CFR 1026.451
Purpose The purpose of this section is to establish guidelines for the protection of our company employees who work on scaffold work surfaces.
Scope and Application Scaffolds shall be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered only under the supervision of a competent person and will have guardrails and toe boards installed. When scaffolding hazards exist that cannot be eliminated, then engineering practices, administrative practices, safe work practices, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and proper training regarding scaffolds will be implemented. These measures will be implemented to minimize those hazards to ensure the safety of employees and the public. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of each manager/unit head, supervisor, and employee to ensure implementation of company’s safety policy and procedure on Scaffolds. It is also the responsibility of each company employee to immediately report any unsafe act or condition to his or her supervisor. Employees: • comply with all scaffolding guidelines and procedures • correct any damage to scaffolding, replace any accessories, missing/lost components and report to their immediate supervisor • assist in daily scaffolding inspections as needed • do not allow any employee who has not been trained to perform any task related • to scaffolding erection and/or dismantling • ensure employees are provided with proper PPE necessary for their job • ensure a competent person oversees scaffolding erecting accordingto manufacturer’s specification Management: • obtain and coordinate the required training for all affected employees
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