Slick - Loveton
1 Maintenance
Pop-up Event:
Tire rotation Tire plug $50 Additional Maintenance Services: $20
Synthetic Blend Oil Change
Synthetic Oil Change
10 L oveton C ircle Monday, May 20
45-pt inspection
$20 $39 $19 $69
oil and lter change oil light reset uids top o CARFAX sync tire pressure adjust maintenance light reset $49
oil and lter change oil light reset uids top o CARFAX sync tire pressure adjust maintenance light reset $99
Front wiper blade (pair) Rear wiper blade
Who is S lick? A t echnology c ompan y with a modular ser vic e pla tform, desig ned t o deliv er managed v ehicle c such as P Ms , cleanings , tir es , and fuel , in r hythm with our cust omers needs: on- demand and a t plac e, in an en vir onmen tally r esponsible w ay. Wher e does S lick o er ser vic es? Slick deliv er ser vic es in Virginia, Washingt on DC, M ar yland , Pennsylvnia, M assachusetts , Rhode Islan Vermon t, and M ichigan with oper ational hubs in Washingt on DC, Baltimor e, Bost on and D etr oi tar gett ed e xpansion o ver the ne xt two y ears is all the “NFL ” cites plus a f ew mor e cities . O ur t op tar gets f or 2019 include the f ollo wing: Chicago , P ittsbur gh, P hiladelphia, New Yor k C ity, Los A ngeles , San F rancisc o, Denver, Phoenix, and A tlan ta. Vehicle C are at Your F inger tips
Engine air lter
Bulb replacement Cabin air lter $129 Battery replacement $175 Headlight restoration (each) $99 OBD diagnostic scan $99 $89
2 Steam Detailing
Steam Value Combo Steam Value
Steam Wash&Wax
Express Steam Combo
Interior Steam Detail steam all surfaces vacuum windows & mirrors steam carpets, mats &
Exterior Steam Detail Detail steam wash
All the components of...
$159 Full Steam Detail Full SteamWash&Wax Interior Steam Detail
SteamWash&Wax quick interior steam windows trunk pet hair
exterior steam wash spray wax
door jambs and sils bug and tar removal wheels and tires clay bar bu polish
exterior windows rims & tire shine interior trunk $39 Time: 20 minutes
leather pet hair
stain removal excessive dirt
bu wax tire shine windows $149
stain removal trim dressing
$279 Interior Steam Detail Exterior Steam Detail All the components of...
$59 Time: 30 minutes
Gas Delivery
Schedule via text by texting “Slick” to 797979
Gas Delivery
$1.20 cost of gas + per gallon © 2016 - 2018 Slick Technologies LLC
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