Employee Handbook 2020
Merritt may need to terminate employment because of reorganization, job elimination or lack of work. Should Merritt decide that such termination is necessary, it will try to give as much advance notice as is practical. 8. 7B DISPUTE RESOLUTION Differences of opinion occasionally arise between individuals in any organization. We encourage open discussion so that employees’ questions can be promptly answered and any problems or complaints can be aired and discussed. Employees should not be reluctant to submit a question, issue or complaint. Merritt does not permit employees to be retaliated against or harassed. The management takes this commitment very seriously -- if you feel that you are being harassed or retaliated against because of this, you should report the harassment to Human Resources or any Team Leader of Merritt. 9. 8B MERRITT NOTIFICATION Official Merritt news and notices, and items of general interest to employees are sent to you in an appropriate manner. Where necessary, timely responses are required. It is the responsibility of each employee to read and act accordingly to any Merritt news or notices. Failure to do so may interfere with your eligibility to recover certain Merritt benefits. 10. 9B SOLICITATION Persons not employed by Merritt may not solicit or distribute literature in the workplace at any time for any purpose, unless authorized by a Team Leader of Merritt. 11. 10B ATTENDANCE Merritt expects all employees to report to work on time. Employees who are unable to report to work due to illness or some other emergency should notify their Team Leader as soon as possible under the circumstances, and no later than prior to the scheduled start of their workday. If you are unable to call your Team Lead personally, you must have someone else call for you. The Team Leader must also be contacted prior to each additional day of absence. Employees must further inform their Team Leader if they need to leave work early due to illness or some other emergency. If an employee is absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness or injury, a physician’s statement may be required verifying the condition and its beginning and expected ending dates. However, no absence is automatically considered to be "excused." Chronic, habitual, or excessive absenteeism or lateness, as judged by Merritt in its discretion,
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