Employee Handbook 2020
may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, in circumstances including but not limited to: • Frequent short-term absences and/or latenesses; • Failure to report an absence within one working day, absent some emergency preventing you from contacting your Team Lead (as evidenced by supporting documentation if requested by the Company); and • Failure to return to work from an approved leave of absence on the date specified by Merritt, absent some emergency preventing you from contacting your Team Lead. 12. 11B GENERAL POLICIES Smoking: Smoking is not permitted at any time in any Merritt location or while at a client’s facility. Dress Code: Employees are expected to be neatly groomed and to dress in a manner that is consistent with their work assignment. Unprofessional or provocative clothing, hairstyles, jewelry, make-up or body adornment should be avoided. A Team Leader may request that an employee wear clothing appropriate for the position. 13. 12B EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE CHECKS Employees and former employees who desire a reference from Merritt should instruct the person who desires the reference information to submit the request for reference in writing to Merritt. Upon receipt of a written request, Merritt will respond in writing. Unless the employee provides authorization and waivers of liability satisfactory to Merritt, the response to a request for reference will be limited to providing the employee’s dates of employment and position(s) held. 14. 13B PERSONNEL DATA CHANGES It is important that each employee promptly notify Merritt of any changes in personnel data, including your mailing address, telephone numbers, number and names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency, educational accomplishments, change of marital status and the addition of family members, and other such status reports. This information may be used to mail important correspondence (which may include, in cases of illness or termination, your paycheck), to keep benefit, payroll tax and deduction records up-to-date and in emergency situations.
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