Micromarket FAQ - Owings Mills Corporate Campus

How do I purchase an item using debit/credit? Select your item(s) from the shelf or refrigerator. Scan the UPC code(s) under the scanner at the kiosk. Scan your debit or credit card. Print/email receipt if desired. If you have a Market Card, be sure to scan your card before finalizing your purchase. How do I purchase an item with cash? A Market Account is required to purchase with cash (see “How do I create a Market Account?”). To make a purchase using cash, follow these steps: - Select the item(s) you wish to purchase from the shelf or refrigerator - Tap the “My Market Account” button in the top left corner. - Scan either your Market Card or your fingerprint. - Select “Add with Cash” and insert your bills (exact change is not required, however the kiosk does not provide change. Rather, change is added to your account balance). - Press “Done”. - Scan the UPC code(s) of your item(s). - Select either the “Pay with Market Card” or “Pay with fingerprint scanner” option on the checkout screen and scan your Market Card or fingerprint to purchase. How do I purchase an item with my Market Card or fingerprint? A Market Account with a balance is required to purchase with your Market Card or fingerprint (see “How do I create a Market Account?” and “How do I add funds to my account?” below). Select the item(s) you wish to purchase from the shelf or refrigerator. Scan the UPC code(s) under the scanner at the kiosk. Scan your Market Card or fingerprint. Print/email receipt if desired. How do I add funds to my Market Account? You can add funds to your Market Account by: 1) Inserting cash into the kiosk (see “How do I purchase an item with cash?). 2) Going online and adding funds with debit/credit. Visit www.MyKioskCard.com. An email address is required to setup your online account (see “How do I manage my Market Account Online”). 3) Accessing the mobile app and adding funds with debit/credit. Search “Avanti Markets” in your mobile app store. An email address is required to setup your online account (see “How do I manage my Market Account Online”). How do I manage my Market Account online? In order to access your Market Account online, you will have to assign an email address to your account. Visit the kiosk, scan your market card or fingerprint, click “My Market Account” and add your email address. You will then receive an email from MyKioskCard.com with more information. After you create an online account, visit www.MyKioskCard.com to view your balance, add funds and check you purchase history.

Micromarket FAQ 2

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